Buddy Ball
Buddy Ball is an organization run through the Herndon Optimist Youth Baseball League. It pairs up young children with physical or mental disabilities with high-school age student volunteers, and once a week they get together to play baseball. While the league is run out of Herndon, VA, it is open to anyone within the Northern Virginia or Washington DC metro area. This league gives children who would not normally have the opportunity the chance to participate in organized sports. It is also a very rewarding experience for the families and volunteers- everyone looks forward to it each year. Network Depot is proud to be a sponsor of Buddy Ball for the past ten years, as well as have one of our employees manage the league. To learn more, visit the Buddy Ball page of the Herndon Optimist Youth Baseball website: www.herndonbaseball.com

Entire Village Computers Organization (EVCO) is a nonprofit that is committed to bridging the global digital divide. They refurbish donated computer equipment and use it to set up technology centers for rural villages in third-world countries. The heavy emphasis that they place on education and the involvement of the entire village community through programs like Photos and Fun, and the donation ceremony, ensures that the technology being brought to these villages will have a strong impact on every person who lives there. Network Depot not only helps collect and refurbish the computer equipment, but we are happy to be able to extend the opportunity to our clients to participate in the program as well. To learn more about EVCO, visit their website: www.evcoafrica.org

Cancer Can Rock
Cancer Can Rock is a nonprofit organization created to give musicians of all ages who are suffering from terminal cancer the opportunity to share their music with others. While the organization is based in Northern Virginia, it is opened to anyone across the United States. This organization gives these musicians the opportunity to record and produce their music using professional resources, ensuring that their significant contributions in the musical community do not go un-noticed. Network Depot is proud to support this great cause. To learn more about the organization, and find out when their next concert is, visit their website: http://cancercanrock.org

Kev’s Hope
Kev’s Hope is a nonprofit organization with a mission of providing support for individuals (and their families) struggling with serious illnesses or the death of a loved one. They provide handmade and personalized cards, care packages, crafts, and arrange for meals to be delivered. Although the organization is based in Northern VA, they will send their care cards and crafts out all over the world. Network Depot is proud to be a sponsor of an organization that helps so many people and famillies by bringing some joy into their lives and reminding them how much caring and support there is in the world. To learn more, visit their website: www.kevshope.org